PRIME Membership
After being associate members for two years, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences – VIKO is now full members. We also welcome a new associate member:
West university of Timisoara (WUT) in Romania. WUT is the 19th member of PRIME Networking - welcome to us!
Euroweek 2025
Vilnius University of Applied Sciences – VIKO
is the host for Euroweek 2025 with the theme "Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the 21st century: opportunities and threats". The website for Euroweek 2025 is now published and will be updated continuously.
Election of new Executive Board and Managing Director
At the AGM in Brno on November the 1st, 2024 the new Executive Board and Managing Director were elected. The voter register counted 16 eligible voters and all voters unanimously voted for the nominees. The new board is presented on the page for organisation.
AGM and PMM 2024
In October the Executive Board of PRIME Networking, together with the Responsible Leaders of the 18 different member institutions, will meet in Brno for the annual general meeting and the project management meeting. Hosts for this year's meeting is Brno University of Technology.
Euroweek 2024
Mälardalen University in Sweden was the host for the 29th Euroweek (EWK2024) from April 22 to April 27, 2024. The main theme of the event was "Dilemmas in the Transition towards a Sustainable Future" with the following two subcategories: (1) Twin Transition for a Sustainable Future, and; (2) Moving Towards and Making Resilient Energy Systems Work.
AGM and PMM 2023
In October the Executive Board of PRIME Networking, together with the Responsible Leaders of the 18 different member institutions, will meet in Brussels for the annual general meeting and the project management meeting. Hosts for this year's meeting is ECAM Brussels Engineering School.
Euroweek 2023
TH Brandenburg - University of Applied Sciences in Germany, successfully organised the 28th Euroweek (EWK 2023), in Brandenburg an der Havel, from 24 till 29 April 2024. The main theme of the event was "The Future of Technology and Innovation", with the following three subcategories: (1) The Innovation Process; (2) The World in Crisis, and; (3) Qua vadis technology (future oriented technologies / the fifth industrial revolution 5IR).
AGM and PMM 2022
Finally the annual general meeting (AGM) and project management meeting (PMM) could be organized as a physical event. Every year the responsible leaders from each member institution and executive board of PRIME Networking meet for the annual meeting. In October 2022 the meeting took place at the University of Girona in Spain. Three efficient and effective days of meeting resulted in new project ideas, activities in the network and a new member.
Euroweek 2022
The University Institute of Technology of Lille, are pleased to announce the 27thEuroweek (EWK 2022), which took place in Lille, from 25 till 29 April 2022. The main theme of the event was "Design and Corporate Social Responsibility", with the following three subcategories: (1) Design thinking in CSR, (2) Designing and implementing CSR, and (3) Entrepreneurship and CSR
The week was a success after being "absent" for two years. 80 students and 46 academics met during a hectic and interesting programme where we had social activities such as an international lunch and flamkuechen dinner. The students prepared and carried out a poster pitch (3 min) as well as a presentation of their project (45 min).
Primeathon - Hackoffice 2022
On April 20-21, 2022 a total of 40 students and 20 mentors, from various disciplines participated in the Hachoffice 2022.
Watch and read testimonials from Hackoffice participants of 2022.
Read more about "Primeathon" here
New Managing Director and members of the Executive Board
In October 2021 the Annual General Meeting (AGM) was conducted online. This year a new Managing Director was to be selected as well as six board members.
Charlotta Edlund from Mälardalen University (Sweden) was elected as the new MD of the board.
Re-elected for the executive board were:
- Dimitrios Maditinos from International Hellenic University, Greece
- Meryl Rosenblatt from Molloy College, Greece
- Angels Xabadia from University of Girona, Spain
New elected board members were:
- Sandra Kraze from School of Business and Finance, Latvia
- David Schüller from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
- Marta Jordan from Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Austria
As secretary and treasury the MD announced Eva Maaninen Olsson from Mälardalen University, Sweden.
BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia demonstrates a significant leap in an international ranking of universities
In 2021 BA School of Business and Finance was evaluated with the highest ranking score "A" in 10 categories, and increased its performance to "A" score in four categories: Teaching and Learning, International Orientation, Regional Engagement and Knowledge Transfer, thus rating second among 21 higher education institutions in Latvia regarding its performance profile.

"We are proud of being highly rated in an international U-Multirank. I believe it is an extremely useful tool for the whole public, e.g., students, academics, researchers who are looking for comparative information on university performance as it gives a valuable insight into the performance of higher education institutions across a wide range of parameters" comments Dr.Liga Peiseniece, the rector.
The U-Multirank ranking score received for BA School of Business and Finance is an evaluation reflecting a continuous development of studies and scientific activities. The rating shows that BA School of Business and Finance cares about the growth of each student offering a personalized approach to their education. A high performance evaluation derives from a committed work of the whole business school.
Primeathon - Hackoffice 2021
On April 15-16, 2021 a total of 63 students and 26 mentors, from various disciplines participated in the Hackaton Hachoffice 2022.
Watch and read testimonials from Hackoffice participants of 2021
Read more about "Primeathon" here