
The Conference
Euroweek is an international conference, where students and academics meet from the different partner universities in PRIME Networking. During one week approximately 100 students and 50 academics meet to pitch projects, prepare and carry out presentations, assess papers and have fun! Students have worked on their projects in multicultural teams (two students from three partners = six per project) for a couple of months before hand and Euroweek is the big event where they get to disseminate and show their results.
Throughout the years, Euroweek has been a story of success for PRIME Networking! In 2025 we celebrate our 30th edition and we cannot begin without remembering where we come from. Throughout the years of Euroweek, we have discussed several topics, from the very first Euroweek where we discussed Intercultural Communication and Commerce to the 10th in which we discussed the challenges of the European Union enlargement and not forgetting several Euroweek conferences that we dedicated to Innovation Management. In recent years the main topics have been around sustainability and responsibility issues, which of course is no surprise since it is at the top of everyone's agenda today.
Vilnius University of Applied Sciences – VIKO in Lithuania, will be the host for the 30th Euroweek (EW2025) from April 28 to May 2, 2025. The main theme of the event is "Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the 21st century: opportunities and threats" with the following subcategories: (1) AI in Education; (2) AI in Health; (3) AI in Engineering; (4) AI in Creative Industries, and; (5) AI in Cyber Security.
Organizers and themes throughout history
- 2024: Mälardalen University, Sweden: Dilemmas in the Transition towards a Sustainable Future
- 2023: TH Brandenburg, Germany:The Future of Technology and Innovation
- 2022: Université de Lille, France: Design and Corporate Social Responsibility
- 2021: no conference due to the pandemic.
- 2020: International Hellenic University, Kavala, Greece (switched to online due to the outbreak of Covid): Sustainable Value Creation for the Future. Can You Hear the Eco?
- 2019: Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic: Smart Business in the Digital Age
- 2018: FH Joanneum, Austria: Business Digitalization
- 2017: Polítecnico de Coimbra, Portugal: Creativity and Entrepreneurship: from social to High Tech
- 2016: ECAM Brussels Engineering School, Belgium: Megatrends
- 2015: University of Katowice, Poland: Creativity and Entrepreneurship: from Idea to Business!
- 2014: Mälardalen University, Sweden: Smart Cities
- 2013: BA School of Business and Finance, Riga, Latvia: Social Media within professional life
- 2012: Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands: Fair Trade
- 2011: Polítecnico de Coimbra, Portugal: Water4World
- 2010: Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1, France: New perspectives on SUSTAINABILITY
- 2009: Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Finland: Business and Environment
- 2008: Universitat de Girona, Spain: Innovation Management - Innovare humanum est
- 2007: Telemark University College, Bö, Norway: Innovation Management - Innovare humanum est
- 2006: Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic: Innovation Management - Innovare humanum est
- 2005: The Karol Adamieki University of Economics in Katowice, Poland: Innovation Management - Innovare humanum est
- 2004: FH Joanneum, Austria: The Challenge of the EU enlargement
- 2003: Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administracao de Coimbra, Portugal: Time for Knowledge Management
- 2002: TEI Kavala, Greece: Tourism and the 4C's (Commerce-Convergence-Communication-Change)
- 2001: INDUTEC / University Paul Henri Spaak - ISIB, Belgium: E-global looks to E-volve: e-Strategies, Issues and Practical Solutions
- 2000: Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Finland: Future challenges for European industry in international business
- 1999: Universitat de Girona, Spain: Building Bridges: the Multicultural Management Dimension
- 1998: FH Brandenburg, Germany: Europe's Future is our Challenge - European Markets, Innovation, Change and Selfemployment
- 1997: Telemark University College, Bö, Norway: European Business
- 1996: Norwich City College, UK: Marketing for the Next Millenium
- 1995: Karel de Grote - Hogeschool Antwerpen / St. Eligius Institute, Antwerp, Belgium: Intercultural Communication and Commerce
Click on the image to view a film about the history of Euroweek
Some YouTube clips from Euroweek 2016 at ECAM Brussels Engineering School